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What is Kinesiology?



Kinesiology is a truly holistic practice, using gentle muscle testing to find out where imbalances lie within the body and then treating the client on a chemical, structural, emotional or electrical level. The overlying principle of kinesiology is that everything is connected so where a client might present with a certain condition or pain, a kinesiologist might work on a different aspect of the body. Where it is it isn’t! This can get to the root of many problems.


Kinesiology works on what the body needs addressing the most, the priority first and then through the layers of what is presenting. Therefore each treatment is different for each client, but all equally as effective.


Aspects of Kinesiology




Our chemical health includes the food and water we consume and how our body reacts to these, the vitamins and minerals we need and how they are absorbed or supplemented, our digestive health, our hormonal health and our exposure to toxins and pollutants. Food intolerance testing and identifying certain beneficial supplements is a regular part of a kinesiology session.


Structural / Physical


Physical health can be compromised through injury to bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and spinal discs. Compensations can then occur where pain and difficulty is experienced because of another issue. Kinesiology can help to increase blood and lymph circulation to certain areas and release overly tight muscles.



Emotional / Stress


Our emotional health is an important part of our well being and can often manifest in physical problems. Kinesiology can help people with emotional and stress issues. They do not even have to reveal what the actual problem is. Just holding the thought is enough to change a muscle test and from there a number of techniques can be applied.


Electrical / Energetic


We are electrical beings and our energetic health needs to be in balance. Holding certain acupressure points can release blockages and leave a client feeling lighter and more relaxed.



What to expect from a Kinesiology treatment



  • A general history of your health will be taken and a discussion had about the problem you are seeking help with. Please bring a note of any medication you are taking.

  • You will lie on the treatment bed fully clothed without your shoes

  • Your arms and legs will be put into different positions and you will be asked to hold it firm against gentle pressure.

  • A normal muscle will be easy to hold but where there is an imbalance the client will move showing something needs fixed.

  • Corrections will be made during a treatment and might include :

  • Gentle structural corrections on muscles and bones

  • Lymphatic drainage rubs

  • Emotional stress release techniques

  • Gentle cranial fixes

  • Bach flower remedy testing

  • Supplement testing

  • Herbal remedy testing

  • A treatment plan will be drawn up and you will leave with a protocol to follow for a length of time, which might include foods to avoid, supplements to take and exercises to try

  • Another appointment will be made if necessary.

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