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Kinesiology for Diet and Nutrition

Kinesiology - Food is Medicine


Diet and nutritional advice are part of every kinesiology treatment as it is the key to great health.  Some chronic health conditions can be successfully tackled using nutrition-based approaches. Making clients aware of their bodies and what they can do for themselves is very empowering for people and gives them control over their health.


Food allergy or intolerance testing is very useful tool in kinesiology to find out what foods are not good for a client, but equally a discussion around good food choices is always relevant.  I aim to bring a tailored solution to help you better understand your diet and nutritional needs.

Image by George Pagan III

Kinesiology: Unlocking Dietary and Nutritional Insights

Kinesiology, often hailed for its holistic approach to health, offers a unique lens through which to view diet and nutrition. By tapping into the body's energy systems and utilising muscle testing techniques, kinesiology can identify potential food sensitivities, intolerances, or imbalances that might be impacting an individual's well-being. 


This goes beyond mere physical reactions; it delves into how certain foods might affect one's energy levels, emotional state, and overall vitality. With these insights, individuals can make informed dietary choices, tailoring their nutrition to support optimal health. 


Moreover, kinesiology can highlight potential nutritional deficiencies, guiding individuals towards foods or supplements that can restore balance. It offers a personalised roadmap to nutrition, ensuring that one's diet aligns with their unique physiological and energetic needs, paving the way for enhanced health and vitality.

What to Expect in a Kinesiology Appointment for Diet and Nutrition

Embarking on a kinesiology session tailored to diet and nutrition promises a deep dive into the intricate relationship between food and your body's energy systems. The appointment typically commences with an in-depth consultation. 


I will inquire about your current dietary habits, any known allergies or intolerances, past nutritional challenges, and your overall health goals. This dialogue sets the stage for the subsequent muscle testing of kinesiology. 


As you relax in a comfortable position, I will perform specific muscle tests, often involving exposure to various food samples or substances. These tests aim to gauge your body's energetic response to different foods, identifying potential sensitivities or imbalances.


Based on the muscle feedback and the initial discussion, I will offer insights into how certain foods might be affecting your well-being. You may receive personalised dietary recommendations, suggestions for supplements, or strategies to address specific nutritional imbalances. 


The session is non-invasive and designed to empower you with knowledge, guiding you towards a diet that harmonizes with your body's unique needs and promotes optimal health through diet and nutrition. 

What our clients think

Like a lot of people these days I suffer from food intolerances - well, that was until last month!! 
I visited Caoibhe and the results are amazing! One session and now all nightshade foods, tomatoes, white potatoes, peppers and aubergine cause no issues at all when eaten.   I am over the moon, I'm enjoying chilli, curry and spaghetti Bolognese and roast potatoes again!! Thank you Kinesni.

If you have allergies or food intolerances I would highly recommend visiting Kinesni.


Beverley Robinson, Belfast

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